Sunday, February 17, 2008

on 1 comment

valentine's day

hey people,
Sorry for this late post and belated "happy Valentine's Day" Reminds me of good old naive scool days when i'd wear new dress n romp around in the kindergarden, claiming " aj mera happy birthday hai " As the english teacher would wince at my improper use english.
Anyway all that stuff later.This blog is created to remind folks back home that Valentine's Day is a time to goof around with all those lovely friends and certainly not a time to eat out with a some lame chick you pass off as your girlfriend, or some silly brute you pretend to be your boy friend.Aaand certainly none of those shit the MNCs like hallmark and archies'd like us to believe. Valentine's day as my rediff id spams me is certainly not an occasion to brag about that $900 platinum ear studs ( $ 850 at rediff shopping discount) you gave to your girlfriend. it's about appreciating all those special people who'll stand by you when you've stooped low to bite the dirt, and believe me they can be your parents too. (so are you people convinced or do you need more crap?? i can go on and on about two true hearts celebrating everyday as valentine's day and other mushy shit of the stuff , but it'll be a serious waste of this post though tat comercial exploitations stuff is partly sad but true)

So all those who went into excruciating details to fake an ideal valentine date, pls spare us the pains and all those losers who stick to the RSS and indian cultures , go stick your b**ls in the juice grinder. Here's How i spent my valentine's Day (single's special):

09:08am --> woke up, No mushy phone calls exchanging sweet nothings. No senti messages
10.08am -->brushed, no wastage of time over having a bath or deciding which shade of black t-shirt looks nice with what jeans
10.30am-5.50 pm --> Classes went on. Teachers had no idea what Valentine's day was. though one of them guessed that it has something to do with valentino d. garner the guy who has suggested a change in design of stepper motor to avoid 40% commutation loss.
6.00pm -->returned back to room. decided that now that my not-so-available will be in a cafe or food court happily talking to the fairer sex , must do something interesting.
6.05pm -->arranged all my wall papers in alphabetic order.
6.09pm -->arranged all my playlist according to the number of times i listened to them.
6.15pm -->tried to solve suduko in the comp. failed miserably. they should create a level beyond easy, something where the empty boxes should have hints like even prime number,
6.43pm-->downloaded a movie only to discover that i didn't've the required codec
6. 57pm--> cursed the damned movie , the lousy guy who uploaded, the software that couldn't play it. let all of them never get a valentine in life.
7.02pm -->realized that spending too much time over the computer affects the spinal cord so played snakes on my outdated nokia 1108 cellphone
7.50pm --> snake rocks !!!
8.15pm -->went to mess, the food sucked. couldn't go to dine outside. was lonely and anyway the restaurants, food court and dhabas'd be crowded with the potential lovebirds.


10.05pm -->
Got a message from friend :

interpretation of the gifts you recieve on valentine's day:
flowers: somebody wants to have sex with you
chocolates: somebody wants to have sex with you
jwellery: somebody wants to have sex with you
shoes: somebody wants to have sex with you

smiled and went back to my old self.

enjoy being single and doing single's stuffs, because we all know it's not something you can be for ever. Happy VAlentine's ADy again.... belated


RoughBent said...

Hey!Your valentine's day post is really cool...I mean I dont suppose cool really mean what you described it to be in ur profile...but 'cool' is what u r.And yeah VDay sucks if u r 'single'.

About Me

got the typical brat attitude, though wouldn't brag about me as a cool dude, who listens to rock music, got a cool attitude, really intellectual type, seeking to solve the mysteries of quantum computing, if u r looking 4 someone like that, budge off, i'm just plain boring me, sometimes optimistic, sometimes cynic, a bit sarcastic, a bit witty, a warm friend, a sore outsider, a tough cynic, a tad eccentric...sometimes all at the same time


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