Tuesday, January 8, 2008

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google view of VIT vellore

Hi people,
welcome back once more... well i was just trying a bit of google Earth and i stumbled upon this photo when i typed in VITU , so here it is in front of you the "top view" of vellore institute of technology. well that reminds me of something interesting:
presenting before you a true story of gender Bias from the hinterlands of Tamil Naidu:
Once upon a time there was a dude called as Thiru(its a form of word used by tamil people for a person as a mark of respect, however certain authors disagree about this).G.Viswa.. he was probably so sincere that kids used to refer him as Thiru.G.Viswa right from his kindergarden... so over the years he grew up like all mortals do and went in for some graduation .to cut the story short he was a smart alec and even got selected as IAS , unsatisfied with the monetary benefits he joined a political party and was kicked out. so there was our protagonist mr thiru partyless, jobless (in India you need to quit IAS to join a political party) and probably with less money than ever.. so this guy thought "Oh what the Fudge?? i can make more money than my tainted counterparts and kick some ass myself by just sitting at home" and no he didn't make a website or invented google. Our hero here had a lovely vision and created a college called VEC ; vellore engineering college, as early in 1984, he thought if the manipal jerks can create a college as early in the fifties then why can't I?
so we had our protagonist and this famous college; since back then people had this craze to save money by joining government engineering college, or joining mundane BSc courses otherwise he tried to give incentives to students by creating a girls hostel nears the "not-so-fair-sex's-den"
imagine our sex-deprived indian male's (" SDIM ") reaction ;
the conversations would've probably been something like this
sdim1: hey dude, i got 34 rank in TNCET, i'm joining VEC :)
sdim2: dude , Wat the Fudge ?? you can get into regional engineering college trichy da, that too into branch like electrical
sdim1: no dude, VEC has the chick's hostel near mine , imagine all the babes i gonna bump into
and so he had a perfect strategy and guys came by in hundreds, and so did a few gals too...
so far so good... our g.vishwa dude was having a great time, nice money, good reputation (he became the chancellor; obviously), popular stud he was , when one day He was listening to pink floyd and got all psycedelic. He realized that running a college was no fun.You never had the chance to kick some ass as frequently as you did back there in politics. He felt he had been duped by fate. it was as if dsetiny was making fun of him. And then in a fit of anger he changed the destiny of thousands of students and screwed them in one single shot. (told ya earlier the was a smart guy) He stole the guys most prized possesion.He built a gal's hostel on the other side of the train line. And people were helpless.By then VEC had become VIT and later as you know it, VITU. People were flocking the college in thousands. Now a days about 1 lakh people sit for VITEEE. So no one protested.or those who did were snubbed bad. Double kickass as he calls it.so that was it. the dude had his cake and ate it too (with sambar and rasam) But even today the rail roads dividing VIT men's hostel and rest of the campus remain a grim remainder of good times back then and to the grave injustice done to the thousands of deprive mortals with XY chromosome.(men)
ok people my story ends here... for more reference and to add credibility to this heart rendering event do check in these websites, and the dark brown line in the above mentioned google snapshot :)
ps: To all those people who are non secular and firmly believe that indian cricket should be made our national religion, don't get too pissed off with symond and buckner, they are just supporting the fact that Gay marriage should be legalized in Australia. hence this mutual display of affection in as public a place as the stadiun
and to bhajji 'chak de"

Saturday, January 5, 2008

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knocking on exams doors

क्या यार ये चीज़ तो ज़बरदस्त है । बिल्कुल fundoo ..
Hi there people ,
just trying to check into this stuff of writing in hindi..sounds fun n seems so too..Anyway sorry for rambling on... Just checked out "tare zameen par" nice movie there.. Finally Aamir has kept up with his promise for delivering a good movie after 2 year of making "rang de basanti". Like the previous movie I guess most of us find it easy to relate to this one too .While the previous one was so "analogous" to a typical college guy's lifestyle of boozing, fagging ,movies n 'chicks' watching, this is takes me back to the nostalgic school days; where every mark counted for the nerdy ones like me (when i consider my self the nerdy one it's actually past tense) where a single mistake in subjects like maths & science was not spared.

this is probably the place where i'm happily blogging away

Coming back to the present well it's not even one month and VIT has already the dates of our 1st internal exam out (CAM 1 they call it, actually it's an acronym for Continious Acessment Examination which as common sense say should be shortened to CAE, but VIT academic Morons choose otherwise :) jus kidding, don't debarr me pls academic godfathers!! ) Nothing new in it though it just re-confirmed my belief that the academic department people here are die-hard sadists, (which to be really honest is 89% applicable for almost all the staff members ); they just can't tolerate people enjoying.
Ok then enough of writing today people... I just can't think much beyond changing colours n writing crap... Damn i shoud stop smoking any stuff with green leaves in it

Friday, January 4, 2008

on 1 comment

Hi there people,
well this is my 1st blog so i realy got no clues on what 2 brag about endlessly... just that i love writing,, n let me tell you more about me, i study in VIT (for the greater mortals its vellore institute of technology University) psst: why they named it "technology university" still remains a mystery to me... it's funny just like BITS pilani created a branch out in Hyderabad n found it witty to name it "BITS Pilani-Hyderabad" maybe i guess smart Alecs' in the Administrative department didn't've much 2 do n they decided to hold a interdepartment contest about RENAMING the college with a more moronic name :)
anyway so much about being sarcastic about my college ....
hey've you ever thought about this?? why are certain things called as "unsolved mystery" ?? I mean if they were solved would they remain mystery after all??
just kidding.....
:) sorry 4 that pj..

i love prancing around myself and all that my mind ever thinks of is pranks n porn... just like every other engineering GUY my day starts with playing AOE or conterstrike over the lan, orkutting,sending and receiving SMSs, listening to music, watching pirated movies on sum1's computer n calculating my attendance and ends up sleepin till lunch.. so much 4 the 1st blog... watch out this column 4 more

About Me

got the typical brat attitude, though wouldn't brag about me as a cool dude, who listens to rock music, got a cool attitude, really intellectual type, seeking to solve the mysteries of quantum computing, if u r looking 4 someone like that, budge off, i'm just plain boring me, sometimes optimistic, sometimes cynic, a bit sarcastic, a bit witty, a warm friend, a sore outsider, a tough cynic, a tad eccentric...sometimes all at the same time


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