Saturday, December 27, 2008
Worst movie going experience
Belated merry Christmas n Happy New Year in advance (just in case)
Right now I’m at my home town, enjoying the much needed and well deserved break from chatting, eating out, surfing, counterstrike, novels, movie and pretty much all the stuffs a typical soon-to-be-engineer would do.
So on 25th December my school buddies decide to go to this special hall named Asha talkies to watch Aamir’s Ghajini (well logically it was everyone else’s Ghajini too but the only reason I agreed to go after watching a lot of bollywood crap is Aamir’s-a-movie-a-year commitment) Now I had never heard of this cinema hall before, and was surprised that they actually put up Ghajini the day it was released nation wide. Because my hometown is a place where kaho naa pyar hai was released in a hall 24 km away, one month later. Eventually we all ended up at Asha talkie; with 20 bucks a balcony ticket (first day second show, beat that!)
And then as they say “all good things must come to an end.”
We were informed that the movie starts around 3.15 pm. everyone started standing in a single line near the entrance. We joined dutifully. Then the line became lines and by 3.00pm it was more or less a big mob of rustic local people jostling around and packed in the entrance like choc-a-bloc. And to our horror we realized our tickets were not number!! It was rationale of us to get into the mad mob to grab a seat and watch the movie. So did us. One hour (midst a hundred swear words, pan spittle, sweaty and stinky crowd) later the entrance was yet to be opened.
We couldn’t take it any longer. Ghajini be damned!! After all it was just a frame to frame copy of Asin Surya’s Tamil version, which again was a copy of the Hollywood flick memento. Damn Indian directors! Damn Aamir khan!! Damn releasing the movie on a Thursday! And finally damn Asha talkies!!!!
Finally returned back to home after a long drive with friends and watched ghajini (Tamil) and memento again.
Worst movie going experience ever!! Of course it had nothing to do with the movie (2 days later, I firmly agree)
Small towns as they say never grow up!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Redemption Over!!
I'm finally back, well well well, lot of questions huh? wat d heck was i doing for an entire semester, depriving my folks from the sarcasm , the much needed cynicism n the wits?anyway we'll discuss about all that later, i mean we could right now, but honestly does it matter....
C ya around!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
alive and drowsy
Friday, April 18, 2008
VITEEE (witty??)
welcome back after that rather long stint of self imposed exile due to various factors such as lab record completion, assignment submission (read shamelessly copying n plagarism) lab exams, re-registration exams n stuffs...
Well a strange stuff happened today...We people went to BHEL Ranipet, Boiler Auxillary Plant for two weeks of inplant training and the security department denied us admission. Reason??
1) we were non-tamilians!!!
2) We were from VIT !!! It seems some of my seniors showed off their cell phones and were less interested in the training.
3)We talked among our selves a lot while waiting at the lobby!!!
4)Already 35 students from VIT had registered so they'd love to give chance to people from other colleges to grab the oppurtunity to register for inplant training at their industry at rs 570 for two weeks !!!
that made me deciede upon two things!! i'm not joining a core job, if at all, certainly not a PSU, if not that certainly not in Tamil nadu.
mean while VIT has it's much awaited VITEEE coming up tomorrow.... till then c ya all
Sunday, February 17, 2008
valentine's day
Sorry for this late post and belated "happy Valentine's Day" Reminds me of good old naive scool days when i'd wear new dress n romp around in the kindergarden, claiming " aj mera happy birthday hai " As the english teacher would wince at my improper use english.
Anyway all that stuff later.This blog is created to remind folks back home that Valentine's Day is a time to goof around with all those lovely friends and certainly not a time to eat out with a some lame chick you pass off as your girlfriend, or some silly brute you pretend to be your boy friend.Aaand certainly none of those shit the MNCs like hallmark and archies'd like us to believe. Valentine's day as my rediff id spams me is certainly not an occasion to brag about that $900 platinum ear studs ( $ 850 at rediff shopping discount) you gave to your girlfriend. it's about appreciating all those special people who'll stand by you when you've stooped low to bite the dirt, and believe me they can be your parents too. (so are you people convinced or do you need more crap?? i can go on and on about two true hearts celebrating everyday as valentine's day and other mushy shit of the stuff , but it'll be a serious waste of this post though tat comercial exploitations stuff is partly sad but true)
So all those who went into excruciating details to fake an ideal valentine date, pls spare us the pains and all those losers who stick to the RSS and indian cultures , go stick your b**ls in the juice grinder. Here's How i spent my valentine's Day (single's special):
09:08am --> woke up, No mushy phone calls exchanging sweet nothings. No senti messages
10.08am -->brushed, no wastage of time over having a bath or deciding which shade of black t-shirt looks nice with what jeans
10.30am-5.50 pm --> Classes went on. Teachers had no idea what Valentine's day was. though one of them guessed that it has something to do with valentino d. garner the guy who has suggested a change in design of stepper motor to avoid 40% commutation loss.
6.00pm -->returned back to room. decided that now that my not-so-available will be in a cafe or food court happily talking to the fairer sex , must do something interesting.
6.05pm -->arranged all my wall papers in alphabetic order.
6.09pm -->arranged all my playlist according to the number of times i listened to them.
6.15pm -->tried to solve suduko in the comp. failed miserably. they should create a level beyond easy, something where the empty boxes should have hints like even prime number,
6.43pm-->downloaded a movie only to discover that i didn't've the required codec
6. 57pm--> cursed the damned movie , the lousy guy who uploaded, the software that couldn't play it. let all of them never get a valentine in life.
7.02pm -->realized that spending too much time over the computer affects the spinal cord so played snakes on my outdated nokia 1108 cellphone
7.50pm --> snake rocks !!!
8.15pm -->went to mess, the food sucked. couldn't go to dine outside. was lonely and anyway the restaurants, food court and dhabas'd be crowded with the potential lovebirds.
10.05pm -->
Got a message from friend :
interpretation of the gifts you recieve on valentine's day:
flowers: somebody wants to have sex with you
chocolates: somebody wants to have sex with you
jwellery: somebody wants to have sex with you
shoes: somebody wants to have sex with you
smiled and went back to my old self.
enjoy being single and doing single's stuffs, because we all know it's not something you can be for ever. Happy VAlentine's ADy again.... belated
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sorry for posting late.. was stuck for a lot of day and i'll tell you why.. Well we people had CAM I for about a week and half, for those of you unaware of VIT's internal examination , or a peculiar picture of any normal engineering college's examination i'll try to potray a humble image:
it goes something like this, CAMs are times when my folks here suddenly realize that they are not here to play warcraft, ages of empire , need for speed, or counterstrike, neither they exist here to watch movies or listen to songs. It suddenly dawns to them that their sole priority here is to mug equations, diagrams, and score marks. CAMs are situations when xerox centres get mysteriously rich, tonnes of maggi cooked the entire night, guys sleep early to wake up post mid-night or rote late night to get marks the next morning. There a quite a few daring ones who opt for a "night out" and manage to score marks sacrificing sleep.Still daring are people who don't study much and rest assured manage to get megre single digits, thanks to the relentless effort by Controller Of examination and his staffs who make it a point to see to it that "rote off" pays.
Still not all is dry and humourless here..
just three days after CAMs we had our much awaited Rivera, though being in third year certainly takes certain amount of fizz out of it, i promptly skipped a part of it and went to Tirupati ( please don't judge me!!) And i'm not trying to be sarcastic here or anything but it was far more fun travelling to Tirupati. the rush of being in a ghat, the view of majestic mountains, a whiff of cool fresh air, the sight of Tirupati at night (it looks as if a dark grey paper is peppered with lots of white and yellow dots, my imagination of our milkyway) is something I would choose over standing in a large crowd of mostly smelly boys and listening to songs from junkyard Grooves. never heard of that band?? Well neither had I until recently.
the shankar mahadevan show was far better, the way he gelled with the crowd, the classical baritone he has been gifted with, the hip-hop and indi-pop songs , all fell in place.
now that rivera is over and so are the exams, it's MARKs time!! but that's a different story and i'm not in a mood to disclose my almost average marks. But someday....and anyway it's still a rat race, even if you win you are still a rat, though i've started falling into the trap of marks , software, and other non-core jobs.
time 2 say good bye, but just to end this post on a thought provoking note, don't you think it's unfair on US's part to conduct an election solely judged by their own citizens when the outcome affects the entire world?? keep thinking
(though i'm convinced you'll be more interested in India srilanka tri series) :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
google view of VIT vellore

Saturday, January 5, 2008
knocking on exams doors
Hi there people ,
just trying to check into this stuff of writing in hindi..sounds fun n seems so too..Anyway sorry for rambling on... Just checked out "tare zameen par" nice movie there.. Finally Aamir has kept up with his promise for delivering a good movie after 2 year of making "rang de basanti". Like the previous movie I guess most of us find it easy to relate to this one too .While the previous one was so "analogous" to a typical college guy's lifestyle of boozing, fagging ,movies n 'chicks' watching, this is takes me back to the nostalgic school days; where every mark counted for the nerdy ones like me (when i consider my self the nerdy one it's actually past tense) where a single mistake in subjects like maths & science was not spared.

Coming back to the present well it's not even one month and VIT has already the dates of our 1st internal exam out (CAM 1 they call it, actually it's an acronym for Continious Acessment Examination which as common sense say should be shortened to CAE, but VIT academic Morons choose otherwise :) jus kidding, don't debarr me pls academic godfathers!! ) Nothing new in it though it just re-confirmed my belief that the academic department people here are die-hard sadists, (which to be really honest is 89% applicable for almost all the staff members ); they just can't tolerate people enjoying.
Ok then enough of writing today people... I just can't think much beyond changing colours n writing crap... Damn i shoud stop smoking any stuff with green leaves in it
Friday, January 4, 2008
About Me
- academically impaired
- got the typical brat attitude, though wouldn't brag about me as a cool dude, who listens to rock music, got a cool attitude, really intellectual type, seeking to solve the mysteries of quantum computing, if u r looking 4 someone like that, budge off, i'm just plain boring me, sometimes optimistic, sometimes cynic, a bit sarcastic, a bit witty, a warm friend, a sore outsider, a tough cynic, a tad eccentric...sometimes all at the same time